This citrus-y, bright, delightful face mask, will become your weekly go-to mask after just one week. With its gentle exfoliation through enzymes, and boosting your skin cell turnover, this mask will have your skin new and refreshed, every single week this Summer and beyond!

Pineapple + Honey Face Mask


  • 1 small organic pineapple, ripe 
  • 1 tbs. coconut oil, or sweet almond oil 
  • 2 tsp. raw honey 


  1. Prepare the pineapple by cutting off each end, and then removing the skin in thick enough strips to also remove the eyes. Cut into quarters lengthwise and remove the core from each quarter. Cut the flesh into chunks and add to the blender. Add remaining ingredients and blend until completely smooth, scraping down the sides as needed. 
  1. Pour into 1-2 ice cube trays and freeze until solid. Once frozen, remove to a labeled freezer bag until use. After using your pineapple face mask, apply your AnnieMak Clean Skincare products for a great overall skincare routine. 
  1. To use, defrost one cube into a small bowl. Once liquid again, use hands to spread the mixture in a thin layer to cover the face and neck. Leave on for 5-10 minutes, when the tingling has lessened and it is mostly dry to the touch. Remove with a hot washcloth or in the shower. 


If you loved this Pineapple + Honey Face Mask recipe, here’s another clean skincare recipe you can try: Clean Clarifying Facial Toner


Check out the ingredient benefits for your skin!  

  • Pineapple – containing the enzyme bromelain, pineapple softens skin and has been used for hundreds of years in Central and South America to fight inflammation and swelling. Drinking pineapple juice helps the skin stay firm and flexible, the body to synthesize collagen, and utilizes vitamin C and amino acids to aid in cell and tissue repair. 
  • Almond Oil – helps reverse damage from the sun, while reducing the appearance of scars and stretch marks. Almond oil also improves skin’s overall appearance through hydration, leaving you with a luminous glow. As an added bonus, almond oil can even out your skin tone and texture and help to reduce and prevent wrinkles. 
  • Raw Honey – one of nature’s most treasured skin remedies, its antibacterial and antiseptic abilities, benefit oily and acne-prone skin. Honey is also a natural humectant, keeping the skin moist but not oily. It can be extremely moisturizing because its chemical properties help to draw moisture to your face. Honey’s natural enzymes gently exfoliate the skin, keeping the pores clear of oil, impurities, and dirt. It also supports reduced breakouts, by regulating the bacteria on the skin. 
  • AnnieMak Restore Vitamin C Serum – with the highest concentration of vitamin C in the industry (26%), vitamin E, hyaluronic acid, and organic aloe vera, Restore Vitamin C Serum is designed to speed up your skin cell regeneration rate while flooding the layers of your skin with nourishing natural, pure, and organic ingredients that promote luminous, smooth, and even-looking skin.